Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two U.S. Presidents express appreciation

After Eddie Ballom completed his Navy service during World War II he received the appreciation letter from President Harry Truman.   Just recently I requested information on his service record in the Navy and in the Air Force from the Department of Defense.  When my response arrived it also included an appreciation memoriam letter personally signed by President Barack Obama. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Artistic rendering

I was toying with dad's photo in the Paperartist app on my phone.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joyce Ballom

Joyce Ballom was Dad's sister and my Aunt.  She lived with us for a brief period in Kansas City when she was in high school.  She was the sweetest person you could ever hope to meet.  Aunt Joyce was loved by all of the family, and we are grateful she was a part of our lives. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Eddie Ballom Funeral Program

 Dad served in the Navy during World War II as a teenager which was left out of his obituary.  He was an usher at the Southside First Baptist Church in Kansas City and not the South First Baptist Church. 

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013

On the Passing of Nelson Mandela

With a great deal of sadness today, we take this moment to commemorate and recognize the life of the great Nelson Mandela who died yesterday.  Truly Mr. Mandela was one of the history’s utmost significant individuals and his life, his accomplishments are an inspiration to all of the world. Rest in Peace, Nelson Mandela, born 1918- died 2013. 

"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Eddie Ballom

Sister Joyce

My Aunt Joyce came to live with us for awhile when she was in high school. Dad and Mom became her legal guardian for that time.

Eddie Ballom – The USAF Finest

Jet engine mechanic, Eddie Ballom

Old Grave Marker, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Elysian Fields, Texas

When Dad was buried, the grave marker provided by the Veterans Administration had his name misspelled.  It wasn't until years later that I contacted them and a new marker was sent to the funeral home and they told me they would replace it.  Last I checked it hadn't been replaced. 

The new grave marker

Eddie Ballom at Home in his Last Year

This photo was taken in about 1990 and maybe one of the last taken of Eddie Ballom. It was taken at home in Elysian Fields, TX where he and mom retired to after living previously in Kansas City, Missouri. On the occasion this picture was taken, Dad was being visited for a few days by his sisters from New Orleans, Joyce and Irmaree. They were all so happy to get together. I'm not sure Dad was feeling that well, but he didn't let that stop him from enjoying the visit.