Friday, December 28, 2018

Zack Ballom, Eddie Ballom and Ernest Breaux 
I haven't found many pictures of Zack, (on the left). Zack was Eddie's father, (that is Eddie in the middle). Zack was many things during his lifetime including a church minister. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Saturday, February 25, 2017

WWII Service

I now have all of Dad's awards, ribbons and medals from the Air Force.  I have requested his Navy awards but have not had any luck getting them.  I was thinking I could buy them at a surplus store or on Ebay for a shadow box that I plan to make.  The photo is of the World War II Victory Medal which is among his awards.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

831st Air Division and memory

Eddie Ballom served in the 831st Air Division at George Air Force Base, California from 1964 to 1965.  I remember so well when on his off day, he took my brother and I to where he worked on the base as a jet engine mechanic.  We got to sit in a jet aircraft and we went into a cargo plane as well.  I remember how proud he was to introduce his sons to the other Airmen and the apparent respect and camaraderie exhibited.

I bought this 831st Division Patch for a couple of dollars on Ebay.

More on the 831st Air Division here on Wikipedia.  831st Air Division

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Two U.S. Presidents express appreciation

After Eddie Ballom completed his Navy service during World War II he received the appreciation letter from President Harry Truman.   Just recently I requested information on his service record in the Navy and in the Air Force from the Department of Defense.  When my response arrived it also included an appreciation memoriam letter personally signed by President Barack Obama. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Artistic rendering

I was toying with dad's photo in the Paperartist app on my phone.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joyce Ballom

Joyce Ballom was Dad's sister and my Aunt.  She lived with us for a brief period in Kansas City when she was in high school.  She was the sweetest person you could ever hope to meet.  Aunt Joyce was loved by all of the family, and we are grateful she was a part of our lives.